Friday, 13 January 2012

Selamat Tahun Baru

Dah hampir 2 minggu masuk tahun 2012. Khabarnya tahun ni kiamat / melapetaka besar akan berlaku. Wallahualam.
Sejak bulan puasa dulu bertarung dgn dugaan terbesar dalam hidup, 3 serangkai.
Hilang keluarga, hilang sahabat, hilang kerja.
Hampir aku putus asa dgn rahmatNya.

So tahun ni sya terus berjalan . PAST IS PAST.
Tahun ni get hire as Business Executive by NGroup, 1 of biggest ASP provider in Msia. Ramai yg x tahan pasal ari2 kena jmpa MD. Simple mistake kena tiaw. hahaha. But let forget about that, the best part about this company dia stable n bagi cheapest rate in the market for your telephone bills. (Fix line call to mobile,STD and IDD)

I am looking for a brighter future even I am alone now. Sambil2 tu buat le freelance

Works As Business Exec For ASP Provider (TM Business Partner)
- Personal Loan Advisor
- Public Mutual Unit Trust Advisor
- Oil & Gas Equipment Provider
- Mechanical Drawing & Fabrication Services
- Certificate Financial Consultant ( I will pass it to the Legend)
- Printing Services (banner, cards etc)
- Handphone Supply & Repair

Working Experiences With:-
Schlumberger, Proton, KEUGroup, CWA, Sanyo, Intel

Call/ SMS Me 0147216973 Anytime except 2am to 6am.